Thursday, September 27, 2012


a thousand windows stacked like altar wood,
each sad eye warmed by sun and fever,
one hundred crosses hung in glass,
some clear, some opaque,
many fractured, broken, jagged.... 
shiplap siding, scabs of peeling colorless paint,
boxing up memories
of dissolving lungs coughing up blood,
inhaling hope...

my mother’s old room . I once
stood on the razored grass,
a kindergarten haircut to match,
looking up through her myriad panes,

she was strong,
elbows like derricks planted on the sill
hoisting fists of steel
supporting a tiny chin, a smile,
a gown and necklace my dad had given her
dangling like a noose...

now, forty years later I am here again,
looking out of the same window,
through different panes, staring
at the razored lawn,

end/Michael Bogar

Landlord and Drug Lord : The Day I Met Donovan

Maybe it was Pink Floyd singing
Comfortably Numb which
drew him into my room,
but there he sat,
in a brow bent baseball cap,
grinding his teeth, or what
was left of them; I liked him immediately,
traces of a child in that confused smile,
so much love it made me cry,
makes me cry even now.

He took room 41, a dirty mattress,
scratched KISS cds and a gun.
He was tall, black and hauntingly enigmatic...
under that grinning and grinding
was someone I knew.

end/michael bogar


“He had the face of a boy who would be excited about life; about women, or the perpetual quest of God, or New Bedford rum.”
     ~  Sinclair Lewis, The God-Seeker

"Only a whole person is a holy person.
I want Zorba and Buddha to meet together."
     ~  Osho, Zen Master

Skillful Athena, temperate goddess
vigilantly rooted in the acropolis,
observe, listen, guide your sober city of philosophers,
politicians, priests and generals.

Marble steadfastness, she pours her shadow
into the choppy Aegean Sea,
turning chaos into sagacity,
illogic into serenity…


Enter Dionysus, reeling, prancing,
disoriented--Eros lets fly a barrage
and romance offsets logic,
whirling, dancing , a nymph hooked on each elbow,
a crooked laurel crown and a smirk,
laughing, music, spinning courtesans
with splayed hair,
full goblets, grapes crushed in a vat of blasphemy 
vulgar giggling
damn convention!

                          i  m  B a  l  a      n   c  e

Dance with him wise Athena,
             seduce her you slipshod reveler.
Crooked Sinner - Faultless Saint
Olive Branch meets Wild Grape
Mature Goddess, Imperfect Divinity
Eternal Wisdom mates with Spontaneity...
Here the straight trunk of time sprouts twisting vines...
weaving together heaven and hell,
giving birth to Michael.

end/Michael Bogar


“A mouse is miracle enough to stagger sextillions of infidels.”
     ~  Walt Whitman
She slipped into this world
like a new song,
lovely child 
caught my heart with a glance.

I stood beside the bed of birth,
watched her emerge,
little round eyes, powdery skin,
tiny feet,
an enigma revealed.

I felt as though
I had been born anew 
in her struggling cry,
knowing only myself
until that August morning,

Someone told me that a birth
is a miracle;
hardly what I found,
births occur every second,
this child is the miracle.

(written after my daughter's birth, Carise Renee)


"We are the products of editing, rather than of authorship."
     ~  George Wald
I am the page, nothing more,
stark white parchment willing…

between us a ribbon of night
thick with black, dense with life,

strike the keys, write what you know
impress your words upon me,
each idea--each  letter--each blow...

Author my story, not cautiously
but with passion, etch indelible glyphs,
imprint mouth and soul with
vulgar vowels and holy consonants,
scar my hungry flesh with iron angel talons.

I expect some wounds in this tender skin of cloth,
bleeding around letters edge,
question marks, many exclamations,
gentle corrections -

each morning a new page, new episodes…
I am thirsty for Our Poem,
Author me.



The first day I moved into room number 0
at the Angletree Apartments, often
misconstrued and misspelled as Angeltree.

 I climbed the stairs and heard the annoying sound
of children flying and squealing through
the halls above me. "Drat!", I thought,
“Brats in the belfry making a racket!".
W.C. Fields would have been proud of my attitude.

One morning, from an erotic dream
I tumbled into consciousness at the
scream of a woman being beaten by a drunken lover;
nightly, police chased the drug dealers
and cracked porcelain hookers from the corridors.
My neighbor attempted suicide twice,
carted off by frantic medics juggling I.V. bottles
tethered by long plastic tubes.

Last Saturday those kids
were winging their way down the hall again,
screaming and laughing out loud,
what a delicious sound descending from the Angeltree.

End/Michael Bogar


"The priests who presided at the ancient Greek temples of Asklepios did not worry to interpret dreams, for they believed the healing took place in the dream itself."
      ~ Graywolf Fred Swinney, Dream Network Journal, 1991

Last night I had a dream about George See,
old high school hero, clown of the class
trickster and adolescent iconoclast,

Everyone loved George See, always in trouble,
handsome, tall, incredibly funny, but
back then they didn't know about A.D.D.,

Recently, in the light of Jungian symbology,
I performed some surgery on my nocturnal memory.
I saw that Georg See was actually me,
silhouette of some concealed aspect of personality,
locked for years in the vault of decency,
exiled to the Isle of Obscurity,
banned by parents, police and normalcy.

However, recently, since just before 1993
I have become George See, on AOL and in
reality, rebelling against religion and morality,
leading coup d'états against mediocrity.

In the dream George See chased an innocent child,
no malice was intended, merely playfully
but teasing and taunting mercilessly.

I tried to follow but couldn't persevere,
that monstrous Shadow was running from me,
covert ego is very difficult to see, harassing that child
until four big brothers arrived on the scene,
they thoroughly thrashed George See…

I watched from a distance, one of the brothers
shot him in the head, I was horrified and
ran up to see George, copious pools of thick blood
oozed fire engine red, I tried not to get any on me
but was shaken by the horrific tragedy.

I cradled him delicately in my lap,
he looked up at me,
I was frantic to stop the bleeding
and save George See, but through a calm grin he
assured me that his death was necessary.
I had to agree,
perhaps I shall miss George See,
then again, perhaps not, we’ll see.

end/michael bogar

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Jack Daniels lodged between cherry and alder logs,
Dad and Uncle Norman stumbled up,
 then down the steps, into,
then through the door.

Mom and Auntie Zelma, arms crossed
in anger and legs crossed in the
‘no-sex-for-you’ position,
had spent the evening doing
each other’s hair, co-creating
codependent doos, and doo knots.

Brother and I counted the word ‘bastards,’
about a thousand I think.
We slipped past the shrieking and slurring ritual,
out the door, and the treasure hunt was on.
There was fire hidden in that wood pile,
we had plans to light the stick of innocence
and watch the swirling spirits rise.

Golden oblation, alchemical adolescence
transforming boys to enthusiasts.
Twist the metal top, Holy sweet Jesus
combustion in the esophagus,
 purging pain we didn't even know was there,
the first fall of many dominoes
stacked end to end.

But best of all was breakfast, watching
Uncle Norman pray and repent to Jesus
until the eggs were cold.

end/michael bogar

There is a sound imperceptible,
stumbling to the cusp of the ear -

there is a word unsaid, tasted neither
by tongue nor pen. Unbidden nudges
these, sauntering in like some cat
on hushed paws, weaving in then out,
sweetly soft distractions troubling sturdy legs.

These muted messages, purred in isolation
leave hint of neither source nor purpose,
they are just born, then expire. Mostly
I push them away, as primitive man
must have scampered before rolling stones
or gawked with high brow and squat jaw
at crisp lightning spears.

Sometimes I turn up the music, consume things
or people, then grind time into mortar,
fill each vacant synapse with clatter.

“Hold me, please, but from a distance
and only for today.”
That is all there is. I am suddenly sick
and fear I shall live.

end/Michael Bogar

Sometimes, I remember the dragon skin, 
sullen, sulking, huffing fire to get attention.
Now rusty armor has been shed
and I have closets of discarded cynicism.

Sometimes, I put on an old suit
to feel the acid pierce my flesh again,
enter my too-good-natured soul.
Bitterness may feel life-giving,
coursing through predictable veins,
pumped afresh through the mundane.

Resentment, childishness and contempt
embolden church lambs that graze
on the anemic stubble of compliance:

“Love your neighbor” sucks marrow
from once strong bones,
leaves you feeling invisible.
To be tamed is a horrible lot,
to lose the pulse of freedom
for the good of an indifferent herd.

Sometimes, selfishness is terribly underrated.
The stalking beast uses all means at her disposal
to snap the neck of her prey.
She waits in the sun, panting,
eyes lifted behind hungry incisions,
prowling, bored, restive,
waiting for the weak,
for the advent of adrenaline release.

Ecstasy is the mother of all tragedy,
swords clenched nobly in the fists of warriors,
the guttural cry of an enemy pierced and gutted.

The plundering Greeks knew nothing of morality.
Life was struggle.
Conquest was participation.

The good man was the subjugator.
Sometimes ego must reign or there is no self,
absolutely no personality, no contest, nothing to lose.

Judges, please bury your sanctimony.
Life is fire, changing shape and hue
with each sputter of orange-blue.

I envy the stallion with his erection
wobbling like the balance bar of a high-wire walker,
defying gravity, damning convention.
Spectators pay to see death mounted,
pierced, pumped full of new life;
or to see some poor bastard crushed like a Dungbeetle,
or clawed lifeless by the sweet kisses of the huntress.

Sometimes, I am possessed, I admit it.
You may call it demonic, psychotic,
or you may collect your thrill by watching me win or lose.
But I enjoy this rush to power,
and sometimes, so do you.



She wound her way like ivy
in-between thoughts,
curling cozily, permanently, vertically.

She is flesh, simple flesh, and I
found her skin effortlessly.

Then, closing my eyes,
through finger tips
I tasted her palms and wrists.

Have you ever chanted long and slow?
Have you knelt in silence, unceasing?
Have you fingered prayer beads, counting?

Repetition mesmerizes, enchants, enfolds…
That is what touching her skin did to me.
That is why I could not release her rosary,
evoking faith, as if I were under
the spell of some sensual grace.

That which held her pulse,
freed my own in some strange way.
I could feel it rising from a soft field,
energies fusing beyond sight,
ghosts rising into the prophetic night.

There was no hurry in this prelude of touch;
anticipation, first kiss,
eagerness postponed,
desire sparingly dispensed,
like the last puddle from a desert spring.
This night, like ivy will rise slowly,
curl cozily, perhaps permanently,
I will unwrap her name.



She reached through the diaphanous satin
separated from the vault of sparkling gems.

Nefertiti, smooth as amber has it all,
honeyed dates, midnight silk for hair,
breasts round like a rising moon.

But here she stands, fingers piercing dusk,
empty hands longing for the diamonds  
of the gods. Desire is the blight of full eyes
and empty nights. Dispirited by fortune,
the Queen turns up her palm, fingers curling
inward, beckoning the unclaimed charms
that dangle over an endless Nile.

Adorned by imagination, knitted together
on indigo, the stars are called.
Heavenly dunes stacked like glitter,
radiant under the magical spell of a fiery serenade.
Yet each speck remains immobile, unclaimed.
Buxom brown sovereign stirs the wind,
casts another spell; they always work
on the wills of simple adoring men.
That is why I hide with the stars.



Yes, my eyes lit up, coal bright
like an enigma about to disclose it’s riddle.

And my imminent silhouette
spread like an orange-red wraith
under a wisp of sun,
turning solid in your embrace.

I like the way you became familiar with my skin,
found the faint scent of perspiration
to which you returned again and again,
and the way you traced the rise
up the back of my thigh, cupped my bottom
on the way, continued your voyage
along my spine. We both watched the exploration
in the mirror, spectators of our own recital.

Leisurely, the evening wrote itself
in lines of verse made of sighs
and irrational sounds. Before sleep
gathered her kin, three soft words
and a final kiss gently tucked us in.



One hundred thousand suns burst their rinds,
dispense pools of  swirling light -
before names, before time, spontaneous tendrils
hemorrhage passionately. Celestial white
splinters like porcelain. Without remorse each
stabs the fertile soil of night.
Atlas groans under the mass, fingers claw
toward stability, bending, shrugging, shifting,
hoisting each outburst into position.

Picking up my guitar, eyes closed,
empathic fist clenched as an in-breath tightens
each muscle before the down-stroke.
Poised, without plan, silver strings
cower beneath my hovering hand,
chords slammed through a Sunn Amp.
I mimic the concert of God –

Agni ejaculates red streams of semen
one rogue ember penetrates a crack in the egg,
congealing softly. Denizens of Eternity
stand to admire, “Fire! Fire! Fire!”
and Infinity bursts into bloom.
Notes like ash drift from the eager womb,
seeds burrow, sprout songs. Incessant pulsing
moves the rapt onlookers to applause.
One whispers, “Hush”, and then conception,
gestation, birth.

A spiral of milk piques full nipples.
Sorcerers and scientists explain how
continents were knit together, how stray notes
strung randomly are subject to no magic.
The full belly grows warm with spawn,
igneous arms lift the dawn, infant fingers rise
into cerulean skies, wiggling cloud-ward.
The child is laid under a crescent cradle,
golden bough gently tilting
spills pearl white milk to young Earth;
first breath, the infant suckles…
there has been a birth.



Ecstasy of union is in separation,
depth of longing is born from length of desire,
most do not know that sun and roses spring from
winter's tedious garden. Romance is sown
in the soil of frustration. Troubadours
and modern lovers languish in self imposed bliss,
sensual postponement grooms two passionate seekers,
delaying carnal disappointment.

Miserable separation, so deliciously
keeps the illusion alive. Enforced distance
is wisdom, locking the gems of immanence
in the temple of transcendence.
Enjoy the gradual disinterment,
unearthing your lover through ritual imagination
and a thousand sacrifices, one kiss.

Love and death always work together,
a knife in one hand a tourniquet in the other.
Healing is in wounds, and for slow lovers
there is mutual blindness to inevitable discontent;
causing them to pretend that it is possible to be
always arriving while praying
that the journey never ends.
